Hiphubmy.com only focused on Malaysia’s local streetwear brands. So, because of that, there are a few requirements you need to follow before you register your brand and product into this platform.

  1. The brand and product must be from Malaysia.
  2. The owner(s) of the brand must be local citizens.
  3. The company should register under the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM).
  4. The number of products to be sold must be 3 types/models and above.

Simply follow the steps below to begin your registration!

  1. All you need is to prepare your documentation for us to review. Below are the documents you need to prepare:
    1. 3 pages of SSM (Form A, D and Business Info),
    2. Bank Statement header that only shows bank information (for us to verify Bank account number and holder),
    3. and lastly, Identical Card for business owners/directors/shareholders.
  2. Once you have prepared these documents, kindly fill up the form below including uploading the documents that require.
  3. The process will take 1 to 3 working days. Once the process is done, we will provide your username and passwords for you to begin your journey as a seller in Hiphub!
  4. For you guys to know before being a Hiphub seller, there is some items will be restricted to sell in Hiphub:
    1. Products that not align* with streetwear industry. (* Subject to approval of Hiphub.)
    2. Product that illegal to the country, i.e weapon, narcotics, fake documents and etc.
    3. Illegal brands copyright.
    4. Products that require special license for selling, i.e, nicotine, alcohol, medications and etc.